Un projecte no previst


Research led at Convent de les Artes, Alcover, Catalunya.

In collaboration with Artéco Association, Italy.
20 September – 20 October 2017

When I was called to confront the cultural heritage of Alcover, the research focused on the observation of the
landscape, which I explored following ancient irrigation canals that led me to fields characterized by intensive
hazelnut and olive trees monocultures. This allowed me to spot connections with my wider research on soli and
agriculture, and to produce some considerations about concepts like value, time, health, and the relationship
between production and the environment.

Special thanks to Marc Caparò for sharing his research and his knowledge of the territory.


Vies d’aigua, exploration and projection of n.78 images in sequence.

Camí sense sortida?, walk and photograph. Lambda print 70×105 cm.

1h avellanas, Hazelnut gleaning for 1 hour and harvest display. Table

Passat Present Futur, Soil powders collected in Alcover during explorations, and sieved on a table (performance)

Vivo, 4 cardboard letters to demonstrate for one’s life, 2017.


Progetto pdf


(ph. Emanuela Ascari, Anton Roca, Aleix Vallerdú Palau)